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Free Download Game FRONTLINE COMMANDO 2 MOD APK 3.0.3: Selamat siang sobat pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan memposting tentang Game Android terbaru yang pastinya dalam permainnya sangat menantang dan sangat seru Game Android terbaru ini berjudul FRONTLINE COMMANDO 2 MOD APK 3.0.3.
Game ini saya perhatikan hampir sama dangan point blank dan game ini juga bisa dikateogrikan game berpetualangan dan action juga bisa dibilang gitu sobat, tapi mudahnya game ini untuk android dan bisa dimainkan di hp android tipe berapan dan operating sistem berapapun pokoknya game ini keren dah dan sangat mudah dimainkan, game ini juga sudah dimodifikasi oleh pembuatnya sobat jadi anda tidak usah repot-repot dalam mengedit , menghack ataupun membuat game itu menjadi unlimited dalam fasilitas di dalamnya.
Game ini juga sangatlah disukai oleh para gamers dan para pencinta game ini khusunya seperti tetangga saya yang sangatla suka game perang, pendapat dia game ini bisa menjadikan anak itu menjadi semangat sekolah dan tidak terpengaruh dalam pergaulan bebas katanya. dengan main game ini kan otomatis dia tidak keluar rumah dan memanfaatkan game itu menjadikan kegiatan yang positif tapi disamping itu kata dia , tetap belajar tapi game terus berjalan hehehe. maka dari itu langsung saja unduh game ini secara gratis dan mainkan game ini dengan mudah dan pastinya seru sobat.
Description :
Frontline commando 2 is the latest shooter to emerge from developer glues premium blaster factory but even though it takes the same structure as many of the company’s other titles it does try to stand apart from its stablemates admittedly frontline commando two’s standard near future battlefield don’t help it stand out from the crowd however the visual clarity of the settings does the locations and soldiers may look familiar every environment enemy and boss looks crisp and clear on your touchscreen if you recognize the settings menu probably be equated with the gameplay to you have to swipe your finger around the screen to aimed at enemy troops from a static firing position the result is a gallery shooter with the added flexibility over cover system you can pop in and out of hiding to take shots and dash between a few fixed points have cover small addition to the formula but it gives you some tactical leeway firing from different positions let’s see more easily target certain opponents and can help you avoid incoming fire something which is vital in later levels when things become more frantic as the difficulty ramps are puny better weapons to take on enemies in the later stages this is where things start to get insidious unlocking new guns at a pace that keeps the game moving forward costs far more currency even can be obtained easily through organic play the way the game’s in app purchases are incentivized feels more like being threatened pocket money than in courage to treat yourself problem commando two’s of the deviation from similar shooters its sports system up to three team members can join the squad these additional scotty’s make the online PvP it more fun than we’d expected as it forced us to prioritize targets in our opponents squads rather than blasting at them. FRONTLINE COMMANDO 2 MOD APK 3.0.3.
What’s New: v 3.0.3
New Social Update!
• Chat with friends and others in the new Private and Global Chat!
• Create Friends Lists so you can contact allies easier than ever!
• Invite your friends to play
• See in-game activity feeds of what your contacts are up to
• Link your Facebook account to the game
• Bug fixes and other improvements to game performance
What’s In The MOD:
Unlimited Money
Requires Android: 2.1 and Up
Version: 3.0.3
New Social Update!
• Chat with friends and others in the new Private and Global Chat!
• Create Friends Lists so you can contact allies easier than ever!
• Invite your friends to play
• See in-game activity feeds of what your contacts are up to
• Link your Facebook account to the game
• Bug fixes and other improvements to game performance
What’s In The MOD:
Unlimited Money
Requires Android: 2.1 and Up
Version: 3.0.3
Sreenshot :
Demikian yang dapat saya informasikan tentang Game Android FRONTLINE COMMANDO 2 MOD APK 3.0.3 semoga sangat menghibur sobat ..:D
Penting..!!! Sebelum Melakukan Proses Download, Sebaiknya Anti Virus apapun di Komputer sobat harap di nonaktifkan Terlebih dahulu ya. Agar Patch Full Versionnya Dapat di Unduh juga. Makasih ^_^
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